Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today my thought is about encouragements.
 I grew up with 7 brothers and 3 sisters and I'm in the middle with a twin brother.  All my growing years I've had to fight to be heard, to be seen, I was always teased by my sibblings, always picked on, so I've never had much self confidence or self esteem. 
Today I chose to be different, because you see it's all about choices we make in life.   When we get up in the mornings we have a choice to either make it a good day and be happy or make it a bad day and be miserable.  It's not easy but I am taking one day at a time and I am changing, I can see the things I now do diffirently.
Have you ever been told you are not smart enough to do this or to do that, well you can change that, I did by putting my trust in God, I turned to Him now in all I do and He is faithfull to help me.  Like it says in Phillipian 4:13: "I can do do all thing through Christ who strenghtens me" and you can to, you just have to start by finding Jesus.  He is the love of my life now.  I beleive in Him, I beleive what He did for me over 2000 years ago.  He died for me so I could live eternally, H e was scourged so I could be healed, He died on the Cross, was burried was resurrected by God the Father and His Blood washed me white as snow.  He redeemed me from all my sins past, present and future.  Because I was born a sinner I will fall from time to time, it does not give me a license to sin but it good to know that His death still covers me then.  What an awesone God we serve.  I pray you take the time to find Him too, after all it is a matter of Life or Death.  Eternal life in heaven with God or eternal death in hell with satan.  Till the next time.  May God richly bless you.  Nikki